Friday, September 15, 2006

The weekend is here....

I am so glad that the weekend has arrived. My house is clean and most of my laundry is finished. I need to start doing some studying and I want to finish my drawing of Frank. I am probably halfway through, but so far so good.

The weather is supposed to be beautiful this weekend, so I hope to draw outside and enjoy what is left of summer. It will be nice to have a relaxing weekend for a change. Summer is always busy with parties and activities, it is always nice when life slows down a bit.

This is a photo I took while I was at a wedding. It is so beautiful and elegant, yet simple. I am going to either paint it or draw it with some color. I will start this after I finish Frank.


Anonymous said...

you're doing so well with your art....can't wait to see more of what you are working on. hope your weekend is going well. talk to you soon...Alexis

Anonymous said...

Thanks Alexis! I am currently working on a drawing of Frank. I should be finished very soon and I will post when it is completed.